Constitution Day of the Russian Federation (December 12)

Constitution Day of the Russian Federation (December 12)

"Потому что" or "Чтобы"

"Потому что" or "Чтобы"


о́сень, осе́нний     autumn
ра́нняя ≠ по́здняя о́сень     early ≠ late autumn
золота́я о́сень     gold autumn
Ба́бье ле́то     Indian summer

Prepositions in Russian

Prepositions in Russian

Unity Day (November 4)

Unity Day (November 4)

Usage of Nominative

Usage of Nominative

Adjectives in Instrumental case

Adjectives in Instrumental case

In the airport

аэропо́рт    airport 
междунаро́дный рейс      international flights 
вну́тренний рейс      internal flight
In the airport

лежать vs класть // положить. Verbs of statics vs verbs of dynamics.

лежать vs класть // положить. Verbs of statics vs verbs of dynamics.

Informal names of countries and cities

Informal names of countries and cities

Category of time - Exact time (+ approximate time)

Category of time - Exact time (+ approximate time)

New Russian language (2019)

Дра́тути!     Hello!
Доро́у!     Hello!

Вэ́лком!    Welcome!New Russian language (2019)

Pronouns in Russian (classification)

Pronouns in Russian (classification)

Day of Moscow

Day of Moscow

Assistants in the study of the Russian language.

Assistants in the study of the Russian language.

Particles '-то', '-нибудь', '-либо' and 'кое-'

Particles '-то', '-нибудь', '-либо' and 'кое-'

"Ты" and "Вы". Fundamentals of Russian etiquette.

If you are studying Russian, then you already know that there are two forms for "YOU". And at first it was unusual and difficult for you to remember. For Russian people, this also was strange and unusual in the beginning.
"Ты" and "Вы". Fundamentals of Russian etiquette.

Adjectives in Dative case

Adjectives in Dative case

City, streets, houses

го́род     city
мегапо́лис     megapolis
дере́вня     village
посёлок     village
село́     village
City, streets, houses

Russian names (surname, name and patronymic)

Russian names (surname, name and patronymic)

Day of Family, Love and Faith (July 8)

In Russian culture the family has always played a very important role. Not by chance in the language the word family - СЕМЬЯ consist of the words 'семь' and 'Я' (seven I).
Of course, this is not the real origin of the word, but we like it very much :)
So family is the basis of society.
For a long time, 4 generations of the family lived in one house - children, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents.
Day of Family, Love and Faith (July 8)

Adjectives in Prepositional case

Adjectives in Prepositional case

Day of Memory and Sorrow (June 22)

Day of Memory and Sorrow (June 22)



Classification of Russian verbs

Classification of Russian verbs

Usage of Accusative case (plural)

Usage of Accusative case (plural)

Words ending in -Ь Masculine or Feminine gender

Words ending in -Ь Masculine or Feminine gender

'НЕ' or 'НИ'... How is correct?

'НЕ' or 'НИ'... How is correct?

Adjectives in Accusative case

Adjectives in Accusative case

Future tense in Russian

Future tense in Russian