кинемато́граф cinema
кинотеа́тр, кино́ cinemaидти́/пойти́ – хо́дить в кино́ go to the cinema
фильм = (кино)карти́на = (кино)ле́нта film, movie
смотре́ть/посмотре́ть фильм watch a movie
снима́ть/снять фильм shoot a movie

Winter idioms
Do you know how many words and phrases there are in your native language?
Can you imagine how many words and expressions there are in Russian?
I wonder how many expressions you can name on the topic "Winter"?
Let's remember together the set expressions, proverbs and sayings, idioms on the winter theme.
Advent calendar with Russian language
Advent calendar is a Christmas or New Year expectation calendar (as in Russia).
During December, a child or an adult receives every day a mini-gift, sweets, wishes or assignments .
We decided to change the idea of the Advent calendar and not just prepare for the holiday, but practice the Russian language.
Who is with us? ;)
During December, a child or an adult receives every day a mini-gift, sweets, wishes or assignments .
We decided to change the idea of the Advent calendar and not just prepare for the holiday, but practice the Russian language.
Who is with us? ;)