Russian superstitions

Superstition is a religious prejudice, which is a belief or practice, it is a way to “negotiate” with fate and influence what usually depends only on chance.
Russians have many different superstitions. Someone says that he does not believe in them, and someone continues to believe from generation to generation.
Russian superstitions



Write a love letter

Do you already know how to write letters correctly? Did you write a letter to your Russian friends?
I propose to learn how to write love letters, notes, short messages. This way you can show your love more romantically.
Write a love letter

"уже" or "ещё"

"уже" or "ещё"

"тоже" or "также"

"тоже" or "также"

Russian banya

Russian banya

Social networks

Social networks

Horoscope for new year by RuLangClub

Horoscope for new year by RuLangClub