Months and Seasons

Вре́мя года, времена́ года    season, seasons
      Како́е сейча́с вре́мя года?    What is the season/time of the year now?

Ме́сяц, ме́сяцы    month, months
      Како́й сейча́с ме́сяц?    What month is it now?
Months and Seasons

Где? or Prepositional case in Russian language

Где? or Prepositional case in Russian language


The traditional Russian family has always been big and friendly. Grandparents lived together with their children and grandchildren.

Past tense in Russian

Past tense in Russian

City transport

тра́нспортное сре́дство    vehicle
обще́ственный ≠ ли́чный тра́нспорт    public ≠ personal transport
назе́мный ≠ подзе́мка    surface transport ≠ subway
Городской транспорт