The topic "Idioms" is very interesting, beautiful and difficult. But if you know, understand, and use the idiomatic phrases correctly, then you can be proud of yourself.
There are many different idioms in Russian - popular and not very, simple (easy to understand) and complex.
Look at the idioms for "рука" and try to learn some of them. And it is better to use them actively in speech ➝ correctly, without errors and in the right situation.
золоты́е ру́ки = talented person
пра́вая рука́ = close person
из пе́рвых рук = primary source
положа ру́ку на се́рдце = honestly
чужи́ми рука́ми = with someone else's help, with the help of other people
как без рук = no help, no support
сиде́ть сложа ру́ки = to do nothing
ру́ки не дохо́дят = no time
из рук вон пло́хо = nothing works
ва́лится из рук = nothing works, failure
рука́ не подни́мется = no confidence, no strength
в твои́х рука́х = you can, you can handle
взять себя́ в ру́ки = to control your emotions, feelings
держа́ть в рука́х = to lead, to manage, to control
прибра́ть к рука́м = to gain control over something not your own, someone else's
рука́ не дро́гнет = not to worry, to be sure
(быть) под руко́й = near
(находи́ться) руко́й пода́ть до чего́-ли́бо = near
(рабо́тать) не поклада́я рук = to work hard
наби́ть ру́ку = to train, to practice, to learn to do something well
(уда́рить) по рука́м = to agree
умыва́ть ру́ки = to refuse
опусти́ть ру́ки = to admit defeat, to stop
махну́ть руко́й на что-ли́бо = stop at work, it doesn't matter anymore, it's not interesting
развести́ рука́ми = to show that there are no ideas and opportunities to solve any issue
с лёгкой руки́ кого́-то = someone helped to solve something
как руко́й сня́ло = quickly, immediately the pain, problems disappeared
(попа́сть) под горя́чую ру́ку = to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time, to fall into the aggressive state of another person
предложи́ть ру́ку и се́рдце = to ask to become a husband / wife
As you can see, there are many idioms with the word "рука". And that's not all, but only the most popular ones.
It is important to learn how to use idioms in speech. And don't be afraid to make mistakes ➝ learn from mistakes.
Write your questions in the comments.
1. What idiomatic phrases with the word "рука" do you know? What idioms are there in your language?
2. What idioms do you see in these pictures?
3. Write 1-2 situations with idioms.
Pictures from,
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