Idiomatic phrases → with word "нога".

It's nice to hear Russian idioms in the speech of foreigners. Of course, the subject of "Idioms" is very difficult, but interesting. If you know, understand and use the idiomatic phrases correctly, then you can be proud of yourself.Idiomatic phrases → with word "нога".Look at the idioms for "нога" and try to learn some of them. And it is better to use them actively in speech ➝ correctly, without errors and in the right situation.

поста́вить на́ ноги́ = to cure
встать на́ ноги́ = get well; achieve material well-being
подня́ть на́ ноги́ = to cure; wake up

на дру́жеской ноге́ = to be friends, communicate on "ты"
жить на широ́кую но́гу = do not deny yourself anything

встать с ле́вой ноги́ (не с то́й ноги́) = to be in a bad mood
спать без за́дних ног = sleep soundly, from fatigue

нога́ за но́гу идёт = very slowly, barely
но́ги заплета́ются = to move with difficulty, to get tangled in the legs
но́ги подка́шиваются = barely go from fatigue
вали́ться с ног = to get tired

уноси́ть но́ги = to run away
одна́ нога́ здесь, друга́я там = to do something quickly

вверх нога́ми = upside down, upside down, it's not the same as usual

мо́ре по коле́но = nothing is scary
душа́ ушла́ в пя́тки = to be very scared of something

наступа́ть на пя́тки = to follow someone
то́лько пя́тки сверка́ют = to run away quickly, so that you cannot be seen

в двух шага́х = near
два сапога́ па́ра = similar to each other

As you can see, there are many idioms with the word "нога". And that's not all, but only the most popular ones.
It is important to learn how to use idioms in speech. And don't be afraid to make mistakes ➝ learn from mistakes.
Write your questions in the comments.

1. What idiomatic phrases with the word "нога" do you know? What idioms are there in your language?

2. What idioms do you see in these pictures?

3. Write 1-2 situations with idioms.

Pictures from,

👉 Russian