Idiomatic phrases → pets

Do you have a pet? Who is it: a dog, a cat, a fish, a parrot? Or someone else?
In this article, we will study idioms that contain the names of some pets. Learning to understand and properly use idioms together to make progress.
Idiomatic phrases → pets
Look at the idioms with the names of pets and try to learn some of them. And it is better to use them actively in speech ➝ correctly, without errors and in the right situation.

е́хать за́йцем = without a ticket (по)гна́ться за двумя́ за́йцами = two goals уби́ть двух за́йцев = achieve two goals

рабо́тать как ло́шадь = work hard and hard
(быть) на коне́ = be in a good position
сесть на (своего́) люби́мого конька́ = talk about your favorite topic, what you know well

уста́л как соба́ка = very tired
злой как соба́ка = very angry
как соба́ка на се́не = neither to yourself, nor to people, do not use yourself and do not give to others
соба́ку съесть на чём-ли́бо = good to know, to understand something
Вот где соба́ка зары́та! = that's where the truth is, the main idea, the meaning
соба́чий хо́лод = very cold

кот напла́кал = very little

как с гу́ся вода́ = indifferent, makes no impression
встава́ть с петуха́ми = get up very early
де́нег ку́ры не клюют = have a lot of money
ку́рам на́ смех = illogical, stupid, funny
подложи́ть свинью́ to someone = to cheat, make trouble
пусти́ть козла́ в огоро́д = allow what cannot be allowed
(смотре́ть) как бара́н на но́вые воро́та = look stupid

О качествах / чертах характера человека:

кури́ные мозги́ (stupid person)
как коро́ва на льду (awkward, inept) сви́нское поведе́ние (crude, primitive) свиня́чий восто́рг (rejoice very much, admire) гря́зный как свинья́ жи́рный как свинья́ трудолюби́вый как пчела́ глу́пый как бара́н упря́мый как осёл затаи́ться как мы́шь (be quiet as if you are not there) ржёт как ло́шадь (about loud laughter) нем как ры́ба (to be silent)

As you can see, there are many idioms with the names of pets. And that's not all, but only the most popular ones.
It is important to learn how to use idioms in speech. And don't be afraid to make mistakes ➝ learn from mistakes.
Write your questions in the comments.

1. What idiomatic phrases with the names of pets do you know? What idioms are there in your language?

2. What idioms do you see in these pictures?

3. Write 1-2 situations with idioms.

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👉 Russian